

AbbVie is an American publicly traded biopharmaceutical company founded in 2013. It originated as a spin-off of Abbott Laboratories.

Insider trades and stock quote 2023-2025

All insider trades at AbbVie

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12/16/2024 SellBuckbee, Kevin K. SVP, CONTROLLER $172.2 $310,032
8/5/2024 SellGonzalez, Richard A. EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN OF BOARD $186.5 $12,403,580
7/17/2024 SellGonzalez, Richard A. EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN OF BOARD $175.0 $49,497,875
3/20/2024 SellDonoghoe, Nicholas EVP, CHIEF BUS/STRAT OFFICER $176.3 $3,716,757
3/18/2024 SellStewart, Jeffrey Ryan EVP, CHIEF COMMERCIAL OFFICER $178.9 $10,539,509
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