

Aon plc (English: ) is a large Anglo-American, Irish Domiciled global professional services firm that sells a range of financial risk-mitigation products, including insurance, pension administration, and health-insurance plans. Aon has approximately 50,000 employees in 120 countries.Aon was created …

Insider trades and stock quote 2023-2025

All insider trades at Aon

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11/27/2024 SellSimon, Mindy F. Chief Operating Officer $394.3 $256,321
11/26/2024 SellStevens, Lisa Chief Administrative Officer $387.7 $494,295
8/28/2024 BuySpruell, Byron Director $340.1 $246,558
8/12/2024 SellZeidel, Darren General Counsel $329.1 $312,688
8/12/2024 SellStevens, Lisa Chief Administrative Officer $329.0 $131,580
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