Dominion Energy


Dominion Energy, Inc., commonly referred to as Dominion, is an American power and energy company headquartered in Richmond, Virginia that supplies electricity in parts of Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina and supplies natural gas to parts of Utah, West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, North …

Insider trades and stock quote 2023-2025

All insider trades at Dominion Energy

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3/6/2024 BuyRigby, Joseph M. Director $46.9 $99,998
3/4/2024 BuyBlue, Robert M. Chair, President and CEO $45.9 $997,891
12/1/2023 SellLeopold, Diane Exec. Vice President and COO $45.5 $284,453
6/20/2023 BuyStory, Susan N. Director $53.7 $2,900
6/1/2023 SellLeopold, Diane Exec. Vice President and COO $49.2 $307,251
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