Evonik Industries


Evonik Industries AG is a stock-listed German speciality chemicals company headquartered in Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is the second largest chemicals company in Germany, and one of the largest speciality chemicals companies in the world. It is predominantly owned by the RAG Foundati …

Insider trades and stock quote 2023-2025

All insider trades at Evonik Industries

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11/25/2024 BuyBaur, Dr. Cornelius Director €17.4 €199,816
9/30/2024 BuySchuh, Maike Officer €20.9 €99,989
6/12/2024 BuySchuh, Maike Officer €18.9 €100,338
6/6/2024 BuyKohlpaintner, Dr. Christian Director €18.6 €93,193
6/5/2024 BuyKullmann, Christian Officer €18.8 €99,604
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