FMC Corporation (Food Machinery Corporation) is an American chemical manufacturing company headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which originated as an insecticide producer and later diversified into other industries. In 1941 at the beginning of WWII, the company received a contract to design …

Insider trades and stock quote 2023-2025

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1/27/2025 SellHugenneyer, Thaisa EVP - Integrated Supply Chain $55.9 $446
1/23/2025 SellReilly, Michael Finian EVP, General Counsel & Sec. $55.3 $163,430
11/11/2024 SellScanlan, Jacqueline Executive VP & Chief HRO $59.7 $270,245
7/17/2024 SellAngeli, Brian Paul Ex. VP & Chief Marketing Off. $60.0 $24,000
3/4/2024 BuySandifer, Andrew D. EVP and CFO $59.2 $127,323
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