

Fortive is a diversified industrial technology conglomerate company headquartered in Everett, Washington, United States. Fortive was spun off from Danaher in July 2016. Mitchell Rales and Steven M. Rales, Danaher's founders, retained board seats with Fortive after the separation. At the point of its …

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2/28/2025 SellMclaughlin, Charles E. SVP - Chief Financial Officer $78.9 $2,530,223
2/28/2025 SellWalker, Stacey A. SVP - Human Resources $79.1 $237,308
2/26/2025 SellWalker, Stacey A. SVP - Human Resources $80.5 $457,998
2/26/2025 SellMulhall, Christopher M. VP - Chief Accounting Officer $80.0 $630,882
2/24/2025 SellLico, James A. President and CEO $80.4 $15,763,884
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