

Moody's Investors Service, often referred to as Moody's, is the bond credit rating business of Moody's Corporation, representing the company's traditional line of business and its historical name. Moody's Investors Service provides international financial research on bonds issued by commercial and g …

Insider trades and stock quote 2023-2025

All insider trades at Moodys

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2/3/2025 SellFauber, Robert President and CEO $494.4 $138,932
1/15/2025 SellFauber, Robert President and CEO $473.6 $133,087
1/2/2025 SellFauber, Robert President and CEO $474.9 $133,436
12/16/2024 SellFauber, Robert President and CEO $490.2 $137,757
12/2/2024 SellFauber, Robert President and CEO $499.5 $140,362
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