

Nordson Corporation is an American multinational corporation that designs and manufactures dispensing equipment for consumer and industrial adhesives, sealants and coatings. The company also manufactures equipment used in the testing and inspection of electronic components, technology-based systems …

Insider trades and stock quote 2023-2025

All insider trades at Nordson

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1/7/2025 SellLovass, Stephen Executive Vice President $206.8 $268,620
12/2/2024 SellMcdonough, Jennifer L. EVP, GC, and Secretary $260.8 $68,056
12/2/2024 SellLovass, Stephen Executive Vice President $260.8 $82,658
11/25/2024 SellLovass, Stephen Executive Vice President $262.0 $34,842
11/25/2024 SellMcdonough, Jennifer L. EVP, GC, and Secretary $262.0 $22,791
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