Procore Technologies


Procore Technologies is an American construction management software as a service company founded in 2002, with headquarters in Carpinteria, California.

Insider trades and stock quote 2023-2025

All insider trades at Procore Technologies

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2/21/2025 SellDavis, Steven Scott PRESIDENT PRODUCT & TECHNOLOGY $83.8 $951,086
2/21/2025 SellStack, Lawrence Joseph Chief Revenue Officer $82.9 $995,040
2/21/2025 SellSinger, Benjamin C. Chief Legal Officer; Secretary $83.8 $579,922
2/20/2025 SellGriffith, William J.g. Director $82.9 $16,586
2/20/2025 SellIconiq Strategic Partners II, L.p. Ten Percent Owner $82.9 $33,172
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