Dave & Buster’s Entertainment


Dave & Buster's is an American restaurant and entertainment business headquartered in Dallas. Each Dave & Buster's has a full-service restaurant and a video arcade. As of November 2020, the company has 137 locations in the United States and Canada.

Insider trades and stock quote 2023-2025

All insider trades at Dave & Buster’s Entertainment

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12/26/2024 SellMulleady, John SVP, RE & Dev $29.3 $175,980
12/19/2024 BuySheehan, Kevin M. Interim CEO $26.4 $503,107
12/13/2024 BuyGriffith, Michael J. Director $27.3 $491,058
12/13/2024 BuyDodds, Hamish Director $27.3 $273,100
12/13/2024 BuyPineiro, Antonio SVP, Chief Int'l Dev Ofc $27.4 $27,350
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