Texas Roadhouse


Texas Roadhouse is an American chain restaurant that specializes in steaks around a Western theme and is a subsidiary of Texas Roadhouse Inc, which is headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky. The chain operates about 563 locations (as of June 2018) in 49 U.S. states and in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrai …

Insider trades and stock quote 2023-2025

All insider trades at Texas Roadhouse

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1/10/2025 SellColson, Christopher C. CHIEF LEGAL & ADMIN OFFICER $179.5 $245,860
11/14/2024 SellMujica, Hernan E. CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER $202.3 $303,390
11/11/2024 SellEpps, Donna E. Director $195.7 $119,353
7/30/2024 SellJones, Wayne L. Director $174.0 $121,800
7/29/2024 SellMoore, Gregory N. Director $171.6 $343,280
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