Wells Fargo & Company


Wells Fargo & Company is an American multinational financial services company headquartered in San Francisco, California, with managerial offices throughout the United States and overseas. It is the world's fourth-largest bank by market capitalization and the fourth largest bank in the US by total a …

Insider trades and stock quote 2023-2025

All insider trades at Wells Fargo & Company

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10/16/2024 SellWilliams, Ather III. Sr. Executive Vice President $63.7 $3,822,000
10/14/2024 SellVan Beurden Saul Sr. Executive Vice President $62.0 $2,169,650
11/9/2023 BuyDavis, Richard K. Director $41.2 $144,270
3/16/2023 BuyNorwood, Felicia F. Director $18.8 $1,451
2/23/2023 SellSantos, Kleber Sr. Executive Vice President $46.3 $1,605,476
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